Join the Boredom Society.
Get bored.
Our Manifesto
Life finds us waiting, ready, with little else to do. Twiddling our thumbs, watching the clock, and then...eureka! From the fertile soil of inactivity: creativity bursts forth.
Magnitudo ex taedio—from boredom, greatness.
It is boredom which inhabits the space between what is, and what will be. Boredom that bridges the gulf between past and future.
This is our greatest struggle: to be still, to wait; to enjoy our idleness, to invite inaction.
Today, we will be bored.

Be bored.
The Pledge
I pledge to welcome boredom
wherever it may be found.
Where it is absent: I will create it.
Where it is scorned: I will celebrate it.
And after it has passed, I will look again toward it with the patience, humility and curiosity it so deserves.
Stay bored.
About the BS
What is the Boredom Society?
We’re a loosely affiliated group of individuals with nothing to do and nowhere to go. Together, we’re leaning into boredom and making the best of it.
Read our manifesto.
What do members get?
In addition to an “Official Boredom Society Membership Certificate,” members get discounts on future Boredom Society merchandise and the sense of belonging to something bigger (albeit, more boring) than ourselves.
How do I become a member?
Take the pledge. Then watch your inbox for that sweet membership certificate.
More questions?
Contact us.