The Easter Story in Animated GIFs

The Triumphal Entry

The Triumphal Entry

2 Jesus Clears the Temple .gif

Jesus Clears the Temple 

3 The Last Supper.gif

The Last Supper

4 Jesus Arrested.gif

Jesus Arrested

5 Peter Denies Jesus.gif

Peter Denies Jesus

6_Peter Denies Jesus again.gif

Peter Denies Jesus, Again

7 Peter Denies Jesus a third time.gif

Peter Denies Jesus a Third Time

8 Jesus Brought to Trial.gif

Jesus Brought to Trial

9 Jesus is Crucified.gif

Jesus is Crucified


Darkness Falls

11 Two Days Pass.gif

Two Days Pass

12 The Tomb is Found Empty.gif

The Tomb is Found Empty

13 Jesus appears to the Disciples.gif

Jesus Appears to the Disciples

14 Jesus Ascends.gif

Jesus Ascends